Service Opportunities at the Twinbrook Swimming Pool
Membership at the Twinbrook Swimming Pool requires service hours. Any task that you want to do to make our pool a better place is appreciated. Below is a partial list of things you can do. For more info on any task, please send an email to Once you complete service work, let us know so we can give you credit for it. You can obtain a service hours recordation sheet from any Board member. Please fill it out and submit it to a Board member for approval and signature at the time you provide the volunteer service.
- Serve on financial review committee
- Staff pool office
- Data entry, accounting: memberships, volunteer hours, etc.
- Serve on Board of Directors
- Staff snack bar
- Complete tax forms
- Review billing
- Review entry forms and entry data
- Organize certificate information meeting
- Many other tasks!
- Create flyers
- Distribute flyers
- Staff Twinbrook in the Park day
- Web page development
- Organize & implement fundraising events
- Digitize negatives
- Organize Twinbrook Pool Alumni event
- Organize triathlon events at the pool
- Rake/blow leaves, spring and fall
- Plant flowers
Trim branches - Cut the grass
- Pull grass from the volleyball court
- Pick up trash from woods
- Cut down dead trees and branches inside the fence
- Shovel snow off the sidewalk when it snows
- Help patch/resurface pool
- Repair chain-link fence
- Repair pool lane lines
- Electrical work
- Plumbing
- Put up/take down backstroke flags, pavilion covers
- Take out/put away chairs
- Repair chairs, put new straps on chairs
- Repair picnic tables
- Clean office
- Clean snack bar
- Paint parking lot
- Shovel leaves and dirt off parking lot
- Paint and repair benches
- Paint and repair front sign
- Scrub and paint back side of building
- Install mailbox at entrance to the pool
- Build in-pool platform for small children
- Organize the “lost & found”
- Post pictures and notices of lost items
- Many other items
- Cook/Bring food for a social event
- Organize June “Welcome back” event
- Help organize Tiki Night
- Help organize Pig Roast
- Organize/Chaperone Campout
- Organize Movie Night
- Organize National Night Out
- Organize event of your choice