Twinbrook Pool

Pig Roast 2018!

Twinbrook Pool’s annual Pig Roast will be Saturday, August 18th, from 5-11:00 p.m. (the pool will be open for swimming until 10:00 p.m.). NOTE: Rain date is Saturday, August 25th.
  • $12.50 per family member for certificate members ($50.00 maximum)
  • $17.50 per family member for summer members ($70.00 maximum)
  • Children under 6 eat free.

  • Meat, roasted vegetables, roll, and dessert.
  • Ribs, pulled pork, grilled chicken and veggie burgers will be available.
  • Please bring a family-sized side dish and/or dessert to share!

Please see the attached flyer for full details; email with questions!

Mark your calendars for the following events coming up throughout the summer!


Tuesday, August 7th National Night Out
Saturday, August 11th(sunset) Movie Night
Saturday, August 18th
5:00-9:00 p.m.
TSP Annual Pig Roast
(RAIN DATE 8/25)
Monday, September 3rd Labor Day; pool closes for the season at 6:00 p.m.